What I Believe
*Just a quick note.. When I started this journey, I didn’t realize how triggered some would be about my party affiliation. Republicans have been demonized by traditional and social media as racist, homophobic, xenaphobic, heartless and cruel people. NOTHING could be further from the truth about me, my family, or my friends and neighbors, nearly all of which are proud members of the G.O.P.
I love America and my home state of Idaho. I love people and strive to see the best in every individual. Even if you disagree with any, or all of my political stances, I hope we can do so respectfully.
I give you my word that during this campaign I will not engage in bullying, name calling, or mudslinging. I’ve heard that’s just how politics are, but I don’t believe that's how it has to be.
I expect more of myself, and we should all expect more from our elected leaders.
Now, on to what I believe..
I am a small government Conservative through and through. I share the fundamental beliefs in America’s founding documents, in self government, and that individuals thrive most when unburdened by taxes and regulation. As Governor, my knee jerk reaction to nearly any situation or challenge will be to reject Federal control and mandates, including those concerning vaccines and masks. States and individual rights are under attack by the current administration, and I will fight tooth and nail for Idaho and its residents.
One of the principals most under attack by Washington D.C. is gun rights. I believe The Constitution is very clear on this issue; “The right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed” I will fight for your 2nd Amendment rights wherever, whenever and however I can. My dad is an outfitter and firearms dealer to this day. I’ve been around guns my entire life, I own several, and I shoot often. I encourage all residents of Idaho, especially the ladies, to do the same. And if you don’t know how, I’ll help you! A well armed society is a free and safe one. I am a LIFETIME member of the NRA.
I have heard and share the concerns of so many parents today about the left wing ideology schools are forcing on kids all around this country. Good teachers are so important and should be rewarded, but bad ones should be fired. We need to shift the power away from teachers unions, especially The NEA, and return it to parents. Divisive and destructive ideas like Critical Race Theory, gender ideology and climate change panic will not be a part of Idaho’s school curriculum under my administration. We need to get back to the basics. Reading, writing & arithmetic, physical education and opportunity for kids to explore their talents, like music, art, athletics, and intellectual debate are what our children need. I believe a bill similar to Florida’s Parental Rights in Education Act, which will soon be signed into law by Governor DeSantis, would be a step in the right direction for Idaho.
I believe in low taxes, as low as possible. In fact, I think it’s obscene that Idaho is sitting on a nearly billion dollar budget surplus! While many politicians are eyeing ways to spend that money, I aim to see it returned to the hard working taxpayers who were overcharged. A great way to do that would be through substantial cuts in the gas and food taxes, which would provide relief to many Idaho families during this period of runaway inflation. With my plan to increase our economic freedom and revenue, I see more tax cuts in Idaho’s future.
Our Southern border is in crisis. Under the policies of President Trump illegal crossings were at nearly an all-time low. By reversing most of those policies, the Brandon Administration has driven them to an all-time high! Governor Abbot has recently deployed Texas National Guard forces in an attempt to stem the tide. I support him in doing so, and my administration will work with border state governors to help in this effort.
I believe we need strong, merit based, legal immigration policies. States who rely heavily on agriculture, like Idaho, benefit from seasonal guest worker programs. But the invasion of illegal immigrants must stop immediately. Without secure borders America risks losing its sovereignty.
The skyrocketing cost of housing is a problem in many fast growing states like Idaho. Supply is not keeping up with demand. As Governor I would take steps to rezone and redevelop high growth areas for higher-density and mixed-use housing, allowing more units that can be purchased by lower income and first time buyers. Changes could be made in our tax code to incentivize local land-owners and builders to expand supply, and dis-incentivize out-of-state developers out to make a quick buck.
And mostly I will work to expand our economy and cut taxes, allowing Idahoans to make more, and keep more of the money they make to offset the increase in housing costs
I support law enforcement, front line workers, first responders and soldiers with all my heart and soul.
I believe Idaho can manage its public lands better than D.C. bureaucrats.
I share the frustrations of big tech censorship, especially of conservative ideas and voices. My administration will take action to punish platforms that do so.
And while I don’t agree with everything in SB 1309, I believe abortion should be heavily regulated and as rare as possible.
Those are just a few of my ideas and the conservative values I hold. It’s easy to talk about things we all agree on, thus the term “preaching to the choir”. It’s a much bigger challenge, and a more vulnerable feeling, to disagree with your own.
#Idaho and The Republican Party are on the wrong side of Cannabis.
There has been an active mis and disinformation campaign against Cannabis for over 100 years, and it must stop.
Cannabis is not a dangerous or illicit drug. Its medical benefits for adults and children alike are undeniable! Cannabis has proven to be a useful tool in reducing opioid addiction, regulating epelitic seizures, treating glaucoma and reducing anxiety. It increases appetite for cancer patients being treated with chemotherapy and radiation. For adults it can be relaxing, inspiring, and fun. It also helps with insomnia, and reduces inflammation.
Idaho spends and loses huge amounts of money keeping this amazing plant illegal. Legal Cannabis has made Colorado’s schools some of the most well funded in America. Idaho could use the extra dollars not only to improve schools but also for conservation, roads, outdoor recreation, health care and so much more, all without raising taxes!
And maybe most importantly, Cannabis is a personal freedom issue. For those born and raised here like me, as well as many of our new friends, living in Idaho offers the freedom we seek. Most Idahoans I know are rugged individuals. They love our cold winters as much as our hot summers, they cherish our jagged mountains and roaring rivers. They work sun up to sun down, sometimes longer, on our farms and ranches.
And they have no desire for government control over their choices.
You can buy vodka made by an Idaho craft distillery with locally grown potatoes, but not a brownie or a joint made by an Idaho bakery with Cannabis grown by one of our amazing farmers...
Don’t you wonder why?
Especially when you can, and many Idahoans do, in nearly all our bordering states.
It just doesn’t make sense.
Legalizing Cannabis and industrial hemp is the right thing to do for Idaho. It’s beneficial for our state’s agriculture and health care. It unburdens law enforcement. And, it provides jobs and income to a diverse group of skilled professionals as well as many cities, counties and the State as a whole.
But legalizing Cannabis is about more than just money. It restores our commitment to the ideas of States Rights and personal freedom. I know America’s founders would agree. I’m running to be the first Pro-Cannabis Republican Governor in the United States, but I promise I won’t be the last!
Republicans need to stop ceding this issue to Democrats.
When we’re wrong, we should say we’re wrong,
and make a change!
My call for change is not a call to reinvent the wheel on conservative values. I’m talking about a change from the embarrassing bicker fest this primary has become with our current leadership. Many of us feel like we’re eavesdropping on an angry couples therapy session.
Let’s reject all the noise and move forward together in a common sense conservative direction!
I love hearing from you and answering your questions, please keep them coming. Email ashleyforidaho@gmail.com. I hope to win your support and KEEP FIGHTING FOR OUR FREEDOM. Cannabis will be here sooner or later, please join me sending messages to current Governor Brad Little governor@gov.idaho.gov urging him to help introduce conservative legislation around this plant. Share the medical necessity! Please tell him you want to LEAD the NATION in industrial hemp production and bring all the revenue back to Idaho! We deserve that money in our school and infrastructure development!

Who is Ashley?
Ashley Jackson is running to KEEP IDAHO FREE and to be America's first Pro-Cannabis Republican Governor.
Born and raised in Idaho, Ashley is a cowgirl, entrepreneur, actress, author, Cannabis activist and outdoor enthusiast. She is pro-gun, pro-farmer, pro-law enforcement and has a deep love of State and Country.
Ashley has long believed the GOP is on the wrong side of the Cannabis issue and intends to change that.
It's time for new Republican leadership in Idaho.
It's time for Governor
Ashley Jackson!
Ashley's Plan of Action for Cannabis
When I become Governor:
My first day in office I will use any tools legally
available to end Idaho’s war on Cannabis.
My first week in office I will work with Idaho representatives from both parties to craft sensible Cannabis legislation.
My first month in office I will meet with Idaho’s law enforcement community and create a way to reallocate current resources and stop squandering money fighting Cannabis.
I will work with Idaho’s health care providers to educate the public on the many benefits of Cannabis and CBD.
I will meet with Idaho’s agriculture leaders on ways Cannabis and Hemp can become cash crops for our farmers.
I will ensure Idaho’s Cannabis laws are up to the Idaho People. Let’s not wait for Federal Regulations and red tape to take away our choices!
Vote NOW Ashley Jackson for Governor! The poles close on May 17th! Help me keep Idaho Free Forever!

Tell Ashley Your Story
Cannabis changed Ashley's life. In 2019 she wrote a book and created a site.
If you have a personal story about how Cannabis has changed you or your family’s life, please reach out, confidentially, I would love to hear your story and talk about the changes Idaho needs. You can be a part of ending Modern Day PROHIBITION!
Email yourcannabisstory@gmail.com.
I was born and raised in Idaho and it’s where I choose to live today. I grew up in Preston, a small town in Franklin County in south eastern Idaho. My dad is a firearms dealer and hunting guide, and my mom worked many years for a local doctor. My earliest memories are of horses, hunting, and hard work. Growing up on a ranch is a way of life that has ingrained certain values in me:
Perseverance, innovation, communication, and individuality.
During my freshman year, the cult classic Napoleon Dynamite was filmed at Preston High School. I was lucky enough to be involved in the filming and production of the movie, and even received an IMDB credit as an actress.
Later I attended and played volleyball at Treasure Valley Community College before starting a career in the Western Industry. I started as a Sales Rep in 2007 for what was then a small company called Cowgirl Tuff. Through the years I have worked with many of the top brands in both the wholesale and retail ends of the business. Today I design and produce my own brand of western fashion items, own and run an online western store, and thrive as a top social media influencer.